So, I have back problems... and have had for a while. That is another story, for this story we will talk about a trip to the doctor for my back problems. Robin and I went to see the doctor to see what could be done about my back. The doctor checked and could see that I was (really, really) out of alignment. He adjusted my back in a few places and told me that he wanted me to have a massage on his new WATER MASSAGER. He said it was expensive like a car (probably an Audi...). So I went to the machine - it was like a waterbed and it had jets of water used to massage. I got to spend 15 minutes getting a massage. I must say it wasn't too bad. Yeah for Germans and their love of wellness. Would I do it again? Sure. Would I recommend it to a friend? Sure. Now, if only I had one of these at home in my living room.......
We have something similar at work and lunch includes massages ha! What is the light for?