Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I want a dishwasher

Before we got married, I told Robin there was one special item I wanted in our new apartment. A dishwasher. Normally, a kitchen doesn't come with the apartment here in Germany so a dishwasher that comes with the apartment is pretty much impossible. I wanted dishwasher because I have spent the better part of the past 10 years without one and I am sick and tired of doing dishes by hand. Doing dishes for one is bad enough, but dishes for two is a lot of work.

Fastforward - we have been married 6 weeks now. Robin often does the dishes after dinner. Last Saturday after we dropped my parents off at the airport, Robin thought it would be a good idea to go look for a dishwasher. He told me it was taking too long to do the dishes every night. 30 minutes a day makes it 2 hours a week. He told me he would like to do other things with that time rather than spend it doing the dishes (like spend time with me). So we looked at a few dishwashers on Saturday, but didn't find one we thought would work. The search continues, but I don't think it will take long.... We both want a dishwasher now.

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