Thursday, May 20, 2010

Baking a Cake

I am having the Sister missionaries over to dinner tonight. I thought I would try something new for dessert. At the grocery stores they have all kinds of wonderful looking mixes for different types of cakes. I thought I would give one a try. It's from a mix - what could go wrong?

Mixing the ingredients was easy. No problems there. Put it in a loaf pan. Check. Put it in the oven at 175C. Ok, did that. Set the timer for 50 minutes. Easy.

I come back 10 minutes later, and the cake is growing and the top is already getting brown. I go take care of some other things and come back 25 mins later. The cake has grown over the top of the pan and the raw insides are bubbling out of a hole in the top... there is a growing pile of cake batter on the bottom of the oven. Uggg... I pull out the cake, scrape up the batter, put some foil down on the shelf in the oven and put the cake back in to cook some more. I figure if the middle is coming out raw still, it needs more time in the oven.
About an hour and a half after starting this whole process, this is what I have

Oh, that doesn't look too bad considering what happend to it in the oven. (you can see an example of how it should look on the cake box in the background).

And the finish product after adding the chocolate glaze

Maybe the chocolate glaze could look better, but considering this was my first try, I was pretty impressed.

1 comment:

  1. can i just say how envious i am of you being in marzipan country? yuuuuuuuum! i went to lubeck and it was HEAVEN!
