I suppose it is no big secret that my favorite color is blue. I ♥ blue. Morning glories are just the perfect color of blue....
When I was younger, one summer we made a "sunflower house" in my mom's garden. We planted morning glories to climb up the sunflower stocks. I thought it was really neat to see the morning glories open up in the morning and then later in the afternoon close up tight....
Before we got married, Robin bought some seeds. He knew I liked flowers and he knew I liked blue, so he picked some blue flowers.... Morning Glories....
This year, I planted the morning glory seeds next too our peas. I knew peas grew up and that morning glories need something to grow on... it seemed like a good solution and similar to the "sunflower house" I enjoyed in my mom's garden.
The vines have been growing really well, but I didn't expect the flowers to open because our balcony doesn't get any direct sun until 3pm... quite a bit past typical morning glory time... I figured it was at the very least a good experiment....
Imagine my surprise when I looked out the window this morning and saw HUGE blue flowers blooming. Oh so pretty.... I keep looking out my window at them... they are really pretty... pretty blue... it certainly puts a smile on my face :)