Just in case anyone is interested, I made curtains for the very first time. We found a duvet cover at Ikea that had fabric I liked. We bought it and I turned it into curtains for our bedroom. I am quite impressed that I could do it. They may not be the best curtains ever, but they serve their purpose and make me smile.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Robin and I went to Ludwigshöhe yesterday in Darmstadt. Other than that it has a really great view, I don’t know anything about it (and at the moment I am too tired to read up about it on Wikipedia in German). So, enjoy the photos.
The panoramic view
The Tower
Me on the stairs on the way down from the tower
The spiral staircase looking down
A few garden photos
I love go out and look at my garden. Every morning and every evening it looks just a bit different. Here is how things are going:
The morning glory arch – it looks AMAZING. We get several blooms every day and they are a lovely shade of blue. The vines are up to the top of the arch now and we have it growing along the top of our balcony ceiling.
This is a view from the street. If you look carefully, you can see the laundry I hang to dry.
Tomatoes – we have lots, but this is the first one to turn red
We at this strawberry yesterday. It looked ready to be eaten. It tasted quite nice. There are several more strawberries on the way too.
Zero to Sixty
Remember the trip I took to Frankfurt a few weeks ago? I posted pictures of the Occupy Frankfurt camp? I was at the European Central Bank (ECB) for a job interview as a Website Administrator. I got the job. I started on the 13th of June. Now my days are quite busy – I am gone nearly 12 hours each day – 51 minute train ride each way. I put my time on the train to good use by reading or listening to programs from the Mormon Channel on my MP3 player. It is pretty interesting working at the ECB. I am learning quite a bit about the Euro and the European Union. Lots of information about monetary policy is posted on the ECB website which I am still struggling to understand (even to a small degree). I think I will be able to learn quite a bit at this job.
Here is the view from my office
This is how it looks at the train station – pretty busy most of the time.