Yes, I (Erin) turned 30. It seems strange to me because in my mind, I am still 21. We had a nice little celebration at home the evening before. Typically in Germany, you absolutely do not celebrate a birthday or wish someone a happy birthday until the day of their birthday. You can also celebrate or wish someone a happy birthday after their birthday, but not before. I’m used to being more flexible than that. Besides, my birth certificate is wrong and says I was born March 2nd, when my mom insists I was born March 3rd… so, I get two birthdays :)
My cake this year was something special. Really special. I have been wanting to try out using fondant. I made the fondant myself using marshmallow fluff. I made two layers of a pound cake I enjoy. I saw somewhere that chocolate chip cookie dough could be used as a filling between cake layers, so I tried it out. I think the cake tasted good, but one slice (per day) was enough (maybe a little more than enough).
This is us singing Happy Birthday to me (yes, I sing along on my birthday, I can’t help it).
The next day we went to Hessen Park. “Delve into a fascinating world of more than 400 years of rural life in Hessen. This includes originally furnished houses, permanent exhibitions – e.g. about tower clocks, a historical post office and glass smelting – as well as historical craft and farming technique presentations and a great variety of events. On nearly 150 acres and in over 100 historical buildings the Hessenpark Open-Air Museum offers you a unique opportunity to experience at close quarters how people lived and worked in days gone by. “
I quite enjoyed it. The buildings were lovely. There is a market place that is open to the public (it includes shopping and restaurants/cafes). We spent so much time in the market area that we didn’t actually make it in the museum. Fine for me – we saved the entrance fee and it gives us a reason to go back.
An example of the buildings. They were really pretty and many of the doors were amazing too. One thing I didn’t get a picture of was writing that some people put on the house. They would write who built it and when. For example, one house said it was build by Johann and his wife (I forget her name) and even though the house is theirs, it isn’t theirs because it will go to those who come after them.
This is the market place. The weather was cold and misty (I can see it in the picture).
They had a whole house filled with printing things. There was a man there had planned to make a career working on printing presses (like they used to do) but as time went on and new technology was introduced, he had to change and learn the new ways. He loves printing presses and explained it to us. I forgot to take pictures until the end, but the room was closed, so this is what I got from the door.
Proof that we were there.
This picture and the next one were things that struck me as funny. Can you imagine someone putting this sign on their desk?!?
This is a mini-sized abacus. They showed all kinds of calculators older and newer and this little abacus was just sitting there in the middle.
We had a wonderful day!