Friday, July 30, 2010

Update to wedding registry

Here is what it looks like when you set up a "hochzeits tisch" or wedding registry.

Flower basket

It is pretty normal here to hang a basket of flowers off the balcony at apartments or to have window boxes. Robin knew that I would want one, so he bought the soil and box for flowers. Today, I got the flowers and planted them in my box. Now they just need to grow a little bit. Fun.


Let me share how things are going today with unpacking.

Here is how I unpack - take EVERYTHING out of boxes and put in on the floor.

I start sorting, and sorting, and sorting. I decide I need labels for some things so I get on the computer to make labels and get distracted by email, facebook, and news. I finally remember what I was doing and make the labels.

Move a pile from one place to another... get up to find scissors... forget what I am doing and get a snack.... Come back. Sort. Sort. Sort. I think I need music. Get on the computer... YOUTUBE! Oh, I haven't heard that song in a while... oh, that's another good one....

Back to the mess I made. Keep sorting. Oh, look! Cute banner. I think I will put it up in the kitchen, NOW. Go to find hooks to put up the banner. Decide to write a blog entry and go get camera to take pictures of the mess. Take a picture.

Go get ladder to put up the hooks in the kitchen. See some garbage on the counter... throw it away. See that the counters need to be cleaned. Clean the counters.

Get up on the ladder and put up the banner. Decide to take picture but can't find the camera... Seriously, where did it go - the apartment isn't THAT big.... Find it on the couch (I don't know how it got there, I haven't been on the couch since breakfast). Take a picture.

Back to the mess... hmmmm..... I see the dishes from breakfast STILL haven't been taken back to the kitchen. Pick them up and take them to the kitchen but the ladder is still in the way. Down with the dishes, out with the ladder, dishes in the sink.

Start working on a blog post. Oh! I think I see another project I can easily finish... Putting together storage boxes. Start assembling... wander off, come back and continue working. Go to find CDs and DVD to put in the storage boxes. While I am at it, I will grab all the books in the bedroom and bring them out to put in the shelf.

Come back with the book and DVDs and put them on their shelves or in their boxes and continue to write the blog entry. Decide the storage boxes need labels.... Make the labels.

I need to make a phone call. Send an email. Then, back to the mess...... the unpacking continues.... The finished product for today? A book shelf.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

After wedding adventures

Here are some of the things we did after our wedding
- Sunday: Fly back to Germany... including a 5 hour layover in Detroit - Monday: Arrive in Germany, get some rest, visit Robin's parents
- Tuesday: Rent a car. Drive to Freudenstadt to stay in the Palmenwald Hotel - Wednesday: Landesgarten Schau - lovely garden with many nice things to see. There was even a path for walking barefoot.- Thursday: EuropaPark. Some of the best rollercoasters I have ridden. Robin and I waited in line 40 minutes to get on one of the big rollercoasters. We sat down and the ride started going. The cars climbed higher and higher and higher... we looked at eachother and wondered what we were thinking getting on this ride!!! Then came the part when we went down, down, down.... it was really a thrilling ride.
- Friday: Visit the temple. We also stopped by Ikea. - Saturday: Clean the apartment and start unpacking.
- Sunday: Church and day of much needed rest - Monday: Schloss Schoenbusch and Erbacher Wiesen Markt. The Markt is 200 years old... every year for 200 years they have had some sort of market in the same place... that is a long, long time. Certainly longer than the Evergreen State fair that I am used to going to. - Tuesday: Visit to the temple. Another trip to Ikea.

- Wednesday: Robin went back to work.

Here are some pictures of our adventures in no particular order

I'm not really sure what this was... I called it medieval bowling.

Sitting on a hand

Row, row, row your boat

Entrance to EuropaPark

Robin washing his feet at the Landesgarten

The newlyweds

Schloss Schoenbusch. Translation - Castle Pretty Bush

Robin rowing

Rollercoaster 1 at EuropaPark

Rollercoaster 2 at EuropaPark

More bowling

Our hotel

Our hotel room

Me on the barefoot path

Sunday, July 18, 2010

... and we're back

Robin and I returned from the US on Monday. Tuesday we drove a few hours to the Black Forest for our Honeymoon. We got back on Thursay.

The first thing I did on Monday when we got to our apartment was put something in our kitchen... I have been waiting a few years to have my own countertop to use this on... I have also been collecting cute things to put in it. So, of course it was the MOST IMPORTANT thing to do once we got back.

Our apartment was kind of a disaster area when we got back... Robin didn't have time to clean or unpack before he came to the US so we got to start working on it together. Here are a few pictures from that....